HEALTH HUB Thyroid Health
Hair Loss And The Thyroid
Hair loss and the thyroid By naturopath Margaret Jasinska Scalp hair loss in women is an incredibly common problem, and one of the most distressing health concerns. It can cause a great deal [...]
Yoga For Thyroid Conditions
Yoga for thyroid conditions By Jessah Robinson, Adv Dip (Nut Med) The thyroid is a small butterfly-shaped gland in the throat that manufactures two hormones: T3 and T4. Thyroid hormones are responsible for [...]
The Link Between The Thyroid And Progesterone
The link between the thyroid and progesterone By naturopath Margaret Jasinska Did you know a hormone produced by your thyroid gland stimulates progesterone production in your ovaries? Your thyroid gland is responsible for [...]
How To Check Your Thyroid Health At Home
How to check your thyroid health at home By naturopath Margaret Jasinska Do you suspect you may have a poorly functioning thyroid gland? A blood test for thyroid hormones is the ultimate way [...]
Is Your Thyroid Gland Affecting Your Skin?
Is your thyroid gland affecting your skin? By naturopath Margaret Jasinska If you are unhappy with the appearance of your skin, you may not have considered the influence of your thyroid gland. Correcting [...]
Thyroid problems following childbirth
Thyroid problems following childbirth By naturopath Margaret Jasinska Thyroid problems are far more common in women than men. It is extremely common for them to first manifest after giving birth. [...]