HEALTH HUB Thyroid Health
Got A Thyroid Problem? You Need To Look After Your Gut And Liver
Got a thyroid problem? You need to look after your gut and liver By naturopath Margaret Jasinska Overcoming a thyroid problem takes more than just correcting thyroid hormone levels. It’s important to address the reason [...]
7 Natural Remedies To Boost Your Thyroid Health
7 natural remedies to boost your thyroid health By Louise Belle BHSc (Nut Med) Do you suffer from fatigue, constipation or inability to lose weight? Do you feel as though your body is [...]
Could Your Thyroid Be Responsible For Your Health Problems?
Could your thyroid be responsible for your health problems? By Jessah Shaw, Adv Dip (Nut Med) The thyroid is a butterfly-shaped gland located in the front of the neck. The thyroid gland manufactures [...]
These 6 Foods Could Be Harming Your Thyroid
These 6 foods could be harming your thyroid By naturopath Margaret Jasinska Thyroid problems are one of the most common health conditions we see in our patients. There seems to be an epidemic [...]
How To Read A Thyroid Blood Test
How to read a thyroid blood test By naturopath Margaret Jasinska If you’ve ever had a thyroid blood test, you may have felt a little confused by the result. Having your thyroid checked [...]
Link Found Between Headaches And Thyroid Disorders
Link found between headaches and thyroid disorders By naturopath Margaret Jasinska Researchers have put their heads together to show that sufferers of migraines, cluster headaches, tension headaches or other headache disorders are at [...]
Foods For Healthy Thyroid Function
Foods for healthy thyroid function By Louise Belle BHSc (Nut Med) Your thyroid gland is a butterfly shaped organ that sits at the front of your neck. It is responsible for metabolism, growth [...]
Did You Know Thyroid Health Depends On Your Liver?
Did you know thyroid health depends on your liver? By naturopath Margaret Jasinska Are you being treated for a thyroid condition and not experiencing the improvements you’d hoped for? Many of our patients [...]
Case Study: Fatigue in a Thyroid Patient
Case study: Fatigue in a thyroid patient By naturopath Margaret Jasinska Susanna was a 42-year-old Lebanese lady who came to see me for help with exhaustion. She had been diagnosed with Hashimoto’s thyroiditis [...]
Supplements – Do I Need Them?
Supplements – do I need them? This is a very interesting and often poorly answered question. In Australia the regulations mandate the statement “Vitamins and minerals can only be of assistance if the [...]