Sneaky exercise tips

GET FIT & MEAN IT! with World Champion Kate Bramley

Most people prefer doing their exercise regimen when the weather is favourable and during day light hours. However, this is not always practical when factoring in full/part time work, family commitments & social outings. One of the most common excuses to not exercise is lack of time.

Here are some of my favourite ways to help you sneak in exercise:

  • Set your alarm for 30-60mins earlier & do not press snooze
  • Pack/organise your equipment the night before eg. lay out running clothes & shoes or pack your backpack with swimming or gym gear
  • Have your lunch/snacks pre-prepared for the week so avoid having to do this in the morning
  • Get off public transport a few stops earlier & walk the rest of the way
  • Park your car 10-20km away from work & ride the remainder of the way in
  • Buy a camping torch (sits on your head like a miner’s light) and go for a walk/run while it is dark. Be sure to wear reflective clothing & run in a safe area or with a buddy
  • Arrange to meet a friend at the gym or pool in advance
  • Use your work breaks to complete training in the middle of the day or ask your boss if you can have extra lunch break time in exchange for an early start/late finish
  • Break your session into two smaller chunks & complete at different times of the day
  • Get your session done straight after work before you go home & get distracted by other chores or the television
  • Aim to be active for 30-60mins on 5-6 of the 7 days of the week

45min power walk (before brekky if possible)

50mins swimming incl. 4 sets of 5mins at steady pace continuous

20min easy morning run & 20min easy lunch/after work run

Day off

45-60mins stretching/yoga/pilates or home gym

60-90min hilly cycle or spin class with strength efforts

90min-2hr power walk/hike or other recreational activity

Day off

50min swimming incl. 5 sets of 50 or 100m breathing every 3,4 or 5 strokes

30min easy morning run & 20min easy lunch/after work run

45-60mins stretching/yoga/pilates or home gym

60min cycle or spin class

Day off or optional power walk

40min run incl. 8 sets of 2min as fast as possible + 15mins stretching afterward