Mindfulness and exercise
GET FIT & MEAN IT! with World Champion Kate Bramley
Mindfulness is the ability to be fully present in the moment and aware of what we are doing. It is a thought process which can help with anxiety and stress and prevent that feeling of being “overwhelmed”.
There are several different ways you can practice mindfulness – meditation, yoga, breathing exercises & progressive muscle relaxation. All of these require taking some “time out” of your day. I find the best time to do this is before going to bed to help me relax. Other times it may be useful is if you are in a stressful situation or out of your comfort zone.
As a coach, I see the panic as an athlete steps outside their comfort zone. A good way to deal with this is to get them to focus on their breathing – particularly the exhalation and/or one or two technique points of the exercise they are doing. This takes the focus away from the feeling of panic or being out of control to concentrating on their body & the present moment.
If you have been struggling with a particular type of exercise or simply pushing your limits a little more, try some mindfulness techniques to help reduce anxiety.

60mins swimming focus on short fast efforts with lots of rest & controlling your breathing
45min power walk
Day Off
60min cycling class at gym or with a friend including 10 sets of 30sec big gear strength work + 90sec easy
45-60mins stretching/yoga/pilates or home gym program
Park run event or 5km run. Take your time.
60min power walk
Day Off
60mins swimming focus on short fast efforts with lots of rest & controlling your breathing
60min run as 45mins run + 5mins walk + 10mins run
Day Off
60min cycling class at gym or with friend including 10 sets of 15sec out of seat + 45sec hard in seat + 60sec easy
45-60mins stretching/yoga/pilates or home gym program
Day Off
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