HEALTH HUB Liver Health
The Foundation Of Good Health Is Your Gut And Liver
The foundation of good health is your gut and liver By naturopath Margaret Jasinska The statement that good health resides in your gut was promoted by Hippocrates the father of medicine and I [...]
If You Have A Fatty Liver, Your Brain Is At Risk
If you have a fatty liver, your brain is at risk By naturopath Margaret Jasinska Many people don’t take fatty liver seriously enough, including most doctors! This is sad because having a fatty [...]
5 Liver-Protective Foods You Should Be Eating
5 liver-protective foods you should be eating By Louise Belle BHSc (Nut Med) On a daily basis we are exposed to an immense number of toxins in the form of plastics, heavy metals, [...]
The Connection Between Your Liver, Mood And Hormones
The connection between your liver, mood and hormones By Nutrition Consultant, Jess Robinson 4000 years ago, the Chinese noticed the connection between our emotions and our liver. When your liver is hot, you [...]
10 Key Principles For Cleansing Your Liver
10 key principles for cleansing your liver By Nutrition Consultant, Jess Robinson Why do a cleanse? The liver works hard 24 hours, 7 days a week breaking down and eliminating the many toxins [...]
Is It Safe To Follow A Lower Carb, Higher Fat Diet If You Have A Gallbladder Problem?
Is it safe to follow a lower carb, higher fat diet if you have a gallbladder problem? By naturopath Margaret Jasinska A lot of people are trying lower carbohydrate diets and ketogenic diets [...]
Raw Foods And Detoxification
Raw foods and detoxification It is that time of the year when many of us reflect on what resolutions, plans and goals we have for the forthcoming year. In terms of health goals, [...]
The Importance Of Protecting Your Liver If You’re A Diabetic
The importance of protecting your liver if you’re a diabetic By naturopath Margaret Jasinska What does the liver have to do with diabetes? A great deal. Having an unhealthy liver can predispose you [...]
Is Your Liver Causing Your Hormonal Problems?
Is your liver causing your hormonal problems? By Louise Belle BHSc (Nut Med) Are you irritable? Do you have heavy, painful periods? Do you experience breast pain or sudden mood swings? Many women [...]
You Can Get Alcoholic Liver Damage Even If You Don’t Drink
You can get alcoholic liver damage even if you don’t drink By naturopath Margaret Jasinska Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) is the build up of fat in the liver caused by factors other [...]