HEALTH HUB Liver Health
The Liver is the Master Chemist
by Dr Sandra Cabot Chinese medical theorists have referred to the liver’s role in the body as the ‘General of the Army’, and I view the liver as the “Body’s Master Chemist”. A healthy liver [...]
World Hepatitis Day
Did you know that World Hepatitis Day is 28th July? Hepatitis just means inflammation of the liver, because liver cells are called hepatocytes. However, this day focuses on raising awareness of viral hepatitis, with the [...]
There are ways to minimise your risk of suffering a hangover after a night of drinking
There are ways to minimise your risk of suffering a hangover after a night of drinking By Margaret Jasinska, Naturopath Drinking large amounts of alcohol is bad for you [...]
Risk Factors For Gallbladder Disease
Risk factors for gallbladder disease Who is most likely to suffer with gallbladder disease? Women are far more likely to develop gallstones than men, and this is mostly because of the effect of [...]
Do You Have A Dysfunctional Liver?
Do you have a dysfunctional liver? Liver disease and dysfunction is very common all over the world and there are millions of people with liver disease, with thousands waiting for liver transplants. Unfortunately [...]
Liver Function Tests
Blood tests for Liver Function Some of the standard or routine blood tests that your doctor will order to check “liver function” are in reality only able to detect liver damage. These tests may not [...]
Fatty Liver – You Can Reverse It Book
A book by Dr Sandra Cabot Introduction Is your liver a ticking time bomb? Fatty liver can - Ruin your health Make you overweight Stop you from losing weight Make you diabetic Cause cirrhosis and [...]