Liver FAQs

Do you have inflammation?

If your blood levels of ferritin and/or vitamin B 12 are too high this is often a sign of liver inflammation.

When the liver is damaged ferritin (stored iron) and vitamin B 12 can leak from the liver into the blood. Elevated levels of ferritin and vitamin B 12 can be an early sign of liver inflammation and damage.

A healthy liver reduces inflammation.

Do you want to slow down ageing?

Of course you do! The liver is the major manufacturer of the most powerful antioxidant in your body called Glutathione. Glutathione neutralizes free radicals and protects cells and repairs damage in the body. A healthy liver will keep you younger for longer.

Do you want to lower cholesterol levels?

The liver manufactures cholesterol and if it is healthy, it makes more of the good HDL cholesterol, and less of the bad LDL cholesterol. The liver pumps excess cholesterol out of your blood through the bile into the intestines for elimination. Reduce your risk of heart disease and strokes by having a healthy liver.

Do you find it hard to lose weight?

This is most often due to a sluggish liver or a fatty liver. The liver cells break down fats and metabolize carbohydrate, fat and protein. A healthy liver burns fat and an unhealthy liver stores fat.

Do you want to detoxify?

The world is so polluted, and only your liver can break down and eliminate toxic chemicals, plastics and microorganisms. Over 24 hours your liver filters more than 250 gallons (950 liters) of blood preventing toxins from damaging your body.

Do you want a stronger immune system?

The liver is part of your immune system and protects your immune system from overload. Improve your liver function to keep your immune system healthy.

Do you want to have better control of blood sugar levels?

The liver stores glycogen (sugar) and releases it when your blood sugar level drops. Reduce sugar cravings and improve blood sugar levels by keeping your liver healthy.

Do you want more energy?

The liver is the metabolic factory of your body and performs over 500 functions to keep you alive. The liver converts fats, protein and carbohydrates into an energy source. Improve your liver to boost your energy.

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