Are you achieving your goals? Whatever they are, it is important to have a goal in mind. Something that helps you get out of bed, something that keeps the fire burning inside you. No goal is a bad goal. It could be health, weight, performance, personal bests, body image, beat a friend, finishing a race or trying something new.
I only train well if I have a goal. This year, it is the World Champs triathlon in Chicago. What is yours?
It is important to have a break once you have reached your goal. Take two to four weeks where you hardly do any training. Just keep the body moving slowly and try other sports. Have fun, socialise more, go out, have a few drinks and maybe eat that slice you did not want to eat because of a race.
We are human and without a good life balance and a good break, we just won’t last in sport in general. We demand so much from our bodies that if we don’t give it a break and a reward once in a while, it will break down mentally or physically.
Okay, it is time to get back to our training now
Work outs. Always do at least 10min warm up. Walk if you like. Train every second days but you can do Pilates, yoga & stretching or other sports easy on days off
Mon run 60min easy on grass
Wed run 60min inc track. Warm up and Warm down is 15min easy jog inc 5 short 50m sprints. Main is 10x400m as 200m hard, 100m max and 100m easy
Fri run 30min easy on the flat + soft surface
Sun run 75min on undulated course in 10x6min as 2min at 100%, 2min at 80%, 2min at 90%
Tue run 30min easy on grass
Thur run 60min inc track. Warm up and Warm down is 15min easy jog inc 5 short 50m sprints. Main is 5x500m hard x100m easy jog L1
Sat run 90min easy in hills inc 10x50m strides with walk back + 10x300m in hills as 150m hard and 150m max with high cadence with recovery down hill
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