Endometriosis – your best chance to cure it

Endometriosis is often a chronic relapsing condition and presents as painful menstrual bleeding, pelvic and back pain. It can also cause painful sexual intercourse and pain during a bowel action. Constipation, bloating and digestive symptoms are other possible symptoms.

Endometriosis has been in the news lately because it is common affecting 5%-10% of women and adolescents of reproductive age. It is a common cause of infertility and up to 50% of infertile women have endometriosis. Between 50% and 80% of women with pelvic pain have some degree of endometriosis.

Many women think there is no hope of really curing this serious disease or falling pregnant once diagnosed with this condition. This is far from true, but you need the right treatment and constant vigilance. An early diagnosis greatly increases the chance of cure.

Endometriosis occurs when the lining of the uterus (the endometrium) travels outside of the uterine cavity. This should not happen and because the endometrial tissue bleeds under the influence of hormonal changes, this causes internal bleeding in the pelvic and abdominal cavities. This is why it is so painful as there is nowhere for the blood to escape.

Endometriosis is like a weed – it tends to grow back or recur. Holistic medicine aims to cure this disease and therefore it is recommended that it is used with other treatments such as surgery if needed.

A holistic approach incorporating hormonal treatments, diet and lifestyle changes and improving gut and immune function is vital. This can reduce the need for repetitive laparoscopies, which increase the risk of scar tissue building up in the pelvis and abdomen. Scar tissue can be permanent and increases the risk of infertility, bowel obstructions, constipation and ongoing chronic abdominal or pelvic pain.

Surgery and drugs can remove endometrial implants and cysts, but they only treat the end results of the disease; they do nothing to treat the cause or prevent recurrences.

If your immune system is weak and/or your hormones are out of balance, the endometriosis will most likely recur, just like the weeds in your garden; they demand constant vigilance.

The good news is that natural progesterone therapy can often alleviate the symptoms and shrink endometriosis in women of all ages.

If contraception is needed the continual use of the combined oral contraceptive pill (without a break) can work well.

I have just released a new e-book titled Endometriosis – your best chance to cure it

It covers –

  • An anti-inflammatory diet to fight endometriosis
  • Nutritional supplements and herbs to fight endometriosis
  • Essential strategies to improve your immune system
  • How to use bioidentical Progesterone

You do not have to rely upon surgery and/or drugs alone because endometriosis is like a weed – it will come back if you don’t look after yourself.

Be assertive – see a specialist gynaecologist and if you need natural progesterone, make sure you see a doctor who understands it.

My new e book is of great value in your battle against the potentially severe disease of endometriosis.

You can purchase it here on Amazon

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