Being a Health Warrior is worth the effort
By Dr Sandra Cabot
I feel like I am a health warrior for my patients but even more importantly for myself. Now I am in my 70s I do feel better than I felt in my 40s and it is because I look after my mental and physical health. I see many contemporaries who are not doing so well, and it is sometimes the luck of the draw as well as genetics but often it is because they just don’t take care of themselves. It is good to know your genetic Achille’s heel because using holistic medicine can prevent the manifestation of many adverse genetic imperfections.
I try to walk the talk of good healthy habits, and it does take 3 things to begin and to persist, namely –
- A passion or at least a strong desire to feel well and prevent or delay disease
- Observance of the healthy practices of a good diet and exercise
- Discipline to do it when you can
When I was young, I did not think about my health as to be young is to be amongst the immortals. You feel energetic and bulletproof and can try anything – well at least that was how it was for me.
When you get older time becomes more precious and unfortunately also passes more quickly because it is relative to how long you have lived. So, you have to seize the opportunity to do healthy things that will improve your quality of life and keep you young.
It is not rocket science to slow down ageing and these are the essentials:
- Good quality and adequate sleep
- Regular exercise
- Drink enough healthy fluids, especially clean water
- Avoid processed food
- Avoid excess sugar and other carbohydrates
- Avoid excess alcohol
- Don’t smoke
- Support your liver as it’s the most important organ in the body

Your health is your greatest asset no matter what your age

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