Avoiding a fatty liver – Exercise
GET FIT & MEAN IT! with World Champion Kate Bramley
Regular exercise can be fun, increase your energy levels, increase social opportunities and improve your health and well being. Research has found that approximately 1 in 3 Australians suffer from non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. This is contributed by a poor diet, obesity and inadequate physical activity. It is recommended that adults accumulate between 2.5-5 hours of exercise a week at a moderate intensity which is approximately 30-45 mins per day. The good thing is that this can be spread out amongst the week or day. For example you could walk for 15 mins in the morning or evening. Or complete 90 mins to 2 hrs on the weekend. Make it your goal for the next 6 weeks to get at least 2.5 hours of moderate intensity (including some effort but you can still hold a conversation) exercise per week.
For more information check out Dr Sandra Cabot’s books – “Fatty Liver You Can Reverse It” and “The Liver Cleansing Diet”. If you are in need of a liver detoxification, I recommend taking Cabot Health’s Livatone Shots in conjunction with a healthy diet and exercise.
45min group fitness class such as water aerobics, body balance, pilates, spin etc.
60min power walk before brekky or split into 2x 30mins
Day off
45-60min swim incl. 20x 50m or 75m sprints with 10-30sec rest
45min stretch/yoga/pilates/gym program incl. 5-10mins skipping
60min running incl. 10x 90sec 8/10 effort + 90sec super easy
Day off OR any up to 90mins recreational activity to meet your 2.5 hours of physical activity for the week
60min power walk before brekky or split into 2x 30mins with a friend or dog
45-60mins pool swimming incl. 6 reps of 100m+ at 8/10 + 60sec rest
45min stretch/yoga/pilates/gym program incl. 5-10mins skipping
Day off
50mins water walk/run Incl. 2x 10mins alternating 1min walk + 1min run with hands on head
60-90min easy cycle on flat path
60min running incl. 2x 10mins at steady pace + 5mins easy
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