HEALTH HUB Latest Articles
Carbs Could Be Harming Your Skin
Carbs could be harming your skin By naturopath Margaret Jasinska Did you know that a high carbohydrate diet can cause or aggravate acne? Each of us has a different carbohydrate tolerance. People who over secrete insulin in response to a carbohydrate-rich meal are more susceptible to developing acne. Acne is a modern disease. It was simply not present among ancient populations of the world who followed a diet that excluded or minimised sugar and refined grains. In stark contrast, among today’s teenagers acne is generally accepted as normal and actually expected by many people. Although a lot of [...]
Diabetics Must Protect Their Nerves
Diabetics must protect their nerves By naturopath Margaret Jasinska There are at least 1.2 million Australians with diabetes. Both type 1 and type 2 diabetes raise the risk of nerve problems. High blood sugar can cause damage to the nerves and this is called neuropathy. Approximately 60 percent of people with diabetes eventually develop neuropathy. Nerve damage is responsible for many of the complications of diabetes; it is the leading cause of lower limb amputations in diabetics. You are more likely to develop neuropathy if you have poor control over your blood sugar or you have sustained high [...]
Commonly Used Chemicals May Cause High Blood Pressure
Commonly used chemicals may cause high blood pressure By Dr Sandra Cabot and naturopath Margaret Jasinska New research has shown that exposure to per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) may be responsible for high blood pressure in middle aged women. PFAS chemicals are some of the most harmful toxins ever created because they are nicknamed “forever chemicals”. They never break down and they accumulate in our bodies, especially in the fatty parts and the liver. In a large prospective study, scientists found a strong association between higher blood levels of PFAS chemicals and an increased risk of hypertension in [...]
Gluten Free Chicken Schnitzel
Gluten free chicken schnitzel Try our delicious and easy to follow gluten free chicken schnitzel recipe. Serves: 2 Ingredients: 11 Serving size: 576 g Total calories: 1109 Protein: 86.78 g Fat: 60.05 g Carbohydrates: 59.62 g Fibre: 30.3 g Ingredients 2 chicken breasts ½ cup chopped almonds ½ cup coconut flour 1 tsp rosemary 1 tbsp parsley 1 pinch sea salt ¼ tsp paprika 1 egg, beaten 1 tbsp olive oil 10 Brussels sprouts, cut in half 2 large carrots, cut in half vertically Method Preheat oven [...]
Bad Gut Bugs Can Cause Weight Gain
Bad gut bugs can cause weight gain By naturopath Margaret Jasinska Did you know a specific type of bacterial toxin called endotoxin increases the likelihood you’ll be overweight? The bacteria, fungi and other organisms in your intestines are collectively known as your microbiome. You have a lot of them living in your gut; they weigh approximately 3 pounds. Your gut bugs perform a number of important functions for you: they help with food digestion, vitamin production and they regulate the function of your immune system. They also help to keep your gut lining healthy, so that it isn’t [...]
7 Indicators You Have An Upset Gut
7 indicators you have an upset gut By Nutrition Consultant Jessica Robinson I believe Hippocrates had it right when he stated over two thousand years ago: ‘All Disease Begins in The Gut’. The world inside our gut is our microbiome, this is referring to the 2-3 kg of good, bad and neutral organisms that predominantly live in our digestive systems. Depending on the type and quantity of microorganisms we house in our gut, it can have a huge impact on our overall health. There are several factors that can impact the quality of our microbiome such as stress, [...]
Resolving Headaches Caused By Sinusitis
Resolving headaches caused by sinusitis By naturopath Margaret Jasinska We are regularly consulted by patients who suffer headaches of all varieties. Headaches are common and awful to have frequently; indeed they can ruin your day. If you awaken in the morning with a headache, you start off the day feeling miserable and if you have to take pain killers then you may feel tired from the side effects. The patients we see have usually seen a neurologist and had an MRI scan of their brain to exclude a sinister cause. The patient is often told they have migraines [...]
Hearty Fish Stew
Hearty fish stew This hearty and delicious fish stew is an easy-to-make crowd pleaser. The perfect stew for winter gatherings! Serves: 4 Ingredients: 13 Serving size: 664 g Total calories: 461 Protein: 36.06 g Fat: 9.79 g Carbohydrates: 58.4 g Fibre: 12.9 g Ingredients 1 tbsp olive oil 1 onion, finely chopped 2 stalks celery, finely shredded 2 cloves garlic, crushed 1 tsp ground turmeric 2 carrots, finely sliced 1 parsnip, cubed 1 large potato, cubed 2 cups water or preferred stock (fish or vegetable) 400 g can chickpeas, [...]
5 Foods To Eat More Of This Winter
5 foods to eat more of this winter By naturopath Margaret Jasinska Winter seemed to arrive early and all of a sudden for many parts of Australia this year. One day we were sweltering in summer-like heat and the next, snow had fallen and with it came icy winds. It’s easier to be motivated to eat well in the summer months; the days are longer, it’s easier to be active and there are no baggy jumpers to hide under. A lot of people become more relaxed with their eating during winter, eating larger portions and consuming foods they [...]
8 Simple Ways To Boost Your Mood
8 simple ways to boost your mood By naturopath Margaret Jasinska We all want to feel good. Unfortunately modern life can often get in the way. Stress, tension and low mood are more prevalent now than ever before. Far too many people wake up feeling emotionally drained and not knowing how they’ll find the strength to get through the day. A lot of different factors can affect a person’s mood. Employment, finances and relationship problems are major players. Not enough people realise that diet and lifestyle have a major bearing on mood. The healthier your body is, the [...]