How is your training going? Make sure you get your massage in weekly, you wear compression in bed, eat clean, drink heaps of water and green tea, do plenty of stretch, remember to take your Magnesium Ultra Potent and enjoy some Epsom salt baths…get fit and mean it logo-new

The little % will make a big difference in the long term. Like running on soft surface will improve your recovery and reduce the impact on your muscles, bones, tendons and cartilages.

My favourite runs are in the bush where the surface is soft and where you can just unplug and reconnect with the nature. No technology – just silence, great views and challenging courses. If you are in Victoria, try Anglesea or Ironbark, you will love it. Beach runs are great as well but make sure that the ground is even and the sand firm or you might get niggles from it. Train safe.

Work outs. Always do at least 10min warm up. Walk if you like. Train every second days but you can do Pilates, yoga & stretching or other sports easy on days off

Mon run 30min easy on grass
Wed run 60min in hills inc 3x1000m hard on undulated course x500m easy L1 still on undulated course
Fri run 90min easy on the flat
Sun run 75min on undulated course in 10x2min at 100% x2min easy float
Tue run 30min easy on grass
Thur run 75min inc 30min at 85% & 15min at 90% with 5min easy between reps
Sat run 90min easy in hills inc 10x50m strides with walk back + 10x200m at max with 100m jog + 100m walk recovery